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yes their in California but their not professional and for it they all wear all black

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Q: Is there a paintball team called black ops paintball in pa?
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What is the population of Special Ops Paintball?

Special Ops Paintball's population is 10.

Who invented Black ops?

i think it was the activision team

What are the rules for Call of Duty black ops?

There is no rules in Black ops, online you kill the opposing team or anyone or you capture flags and you get it.

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Do you have a team on black ops?

There are teams in Team Deathmatch, Domination, Search and Destroy, Ground War.

How do you get on the enemy team in friend game in black ops 2?

you have to cross its base and kill your team.

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Who invented the black ops?

Treyarch developed the game. Military tactics existed before they were called Black Ops

How do you lose in black ops?

You pretty much do nothing in game and not contribute to your team.

What is the red dot from black ops called?

The reticule

What is the last dlc in black ops?

The last dlc in black ops is rezurrution which has the remastered zombie maps from world at war to black ops including a new zombie map called moon