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no football is

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Q: Is soccer the most played sport in america?
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The most widley played sport in America?

The sports played the most in America are football, basketball and baseball. Other popular sports are soccer, hockey, and tennis.

What sports are played in Central America?

hockey lots of hockey and soccer are played in central America

Is soccer the most played sport in Jamaica?

no, actually soccer is most played in Arjentina.

What sport is most played in Ecuador?

In Ecuador, the most played sport is soccer (football).

Is soccer the most played sport in the US?

No, but it is the most played sport (or popular) in the world.

What is the most popular sport in Latin America?

soccer, footballits soccersoccerFootball (soccer).soccer

Where is soccer the most commonly played sport?

Soccer is commonly played in Europe and South America. Some countries are Mexico, Honduras, Spain, Brazil, Spain, and Italy.

What is Chile's most second played sport?

Soccer is Chiles most played sport, but tennis is Chiles second most played sport

What is the most played sport in Costa Rica?

soccer is the most played sport in Costa Rica

What is the most popular sport played in America?

The most commonly played sport in America is American Football. As Basketball and Soccer are also played often, one might argue that they are played more commonly. However, as of November of 2021, Football has over 90 million players. Therefore it is more common.

Is the UFC the most watched sport in America?

no soccer is the most watched sport in america. UFC is a great sport and entertaining but soccer is all over the globe and every one watches FIFA.

What sport is played most?

football \ soccer