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when you become pregnant your body undergoes alot of different changes, including the breasts my nipples were like the question asked and sure enough it turned out i was 4 weeks pregnant.

Same happened here! I noted it one morning because my nipples are normailly very light.... I found out the next day I was 5 week pregnant!

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8y ago
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12y ago

The area around the nipple does change in pregnancy , the breasts get bigger before this symptom though. Pregnancy isn't the only thing that cause's that though. Many things can change the could or the areola such as diet's , being ill and many other things . You should get more obvious signs of pregnancy before the colour change of the nipple. I would suggest you go to your GP or family planning clinic for a pregnancy test though if you do suspect your pregnant.

Hope this helps , Kimberleigh !

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14y ago

Pregnancy symptoms: You're symptoms of pregnancy include: missed period, fatigue, swollen and or tender breasts, mood swings, flu like symptoms, nausea, implantation bleeding (slightly different than a period) etc. Not all women will experience pregnancy symptoms so if you do suspect you might be pregnant, you should take a test rather than relying solely on symptoms. Not all women do experience a missed period during the first few weeks of pregnancy, so again, it is important to use other determinations of pregnancy other than symptoms. It is important for you to confirm your pregnancy as soon as possible to ensure the proper care and safety of you and your new baby. Most of these symptoms will start about two weeks after the first day of your missed period.

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12y ago

yes darkened n ipples is a sign of pregnancy

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15y ago

No, it is not.

A pregnancy test with a positive result (signs vary on test) is a sign of pregnancy.

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14y ago

i wouldn't think so...

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Q: Are dark purple nipples a sign of pregnancy?
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Yes it can be or a sign your soap is irritating your nipples or bra is rubbing against your nipples, etc.

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it may be a sign of pregnancy or it may not be .... you can't be sure until you've taken a pregnancy test!

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Yes , when your nipples get sensative or painful it can either mean your pregant or your period is about to start .

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That can be sign of pregnancy or PMS. All women are different.

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it could be a sign of pregnancy or just tig ol bittys

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It can be but, also it can mean a lot of other things.

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