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Yes, you will need to lift it alot more often than a 10 kg or more weight tho

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Q: Is lifting a 1 kg weight an aerobic exercise?
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Who can lift 650 kg in weights?

By W.W.L.A (World Weight Lifting association) No body Builder can Lift 650Kg On any Weight Lifting Machines The only Way 650Kg can Be Lifted is by hydraulic Or Heavy Lifting machinery

How many calories would a male weighing 70 kg use weight lifting for 30 minutes?


My weight is 76kgs.What should be the diet plan to achieve 70 kg?

There isn't a miracle diet plan that will help a person go from a total of 76 kg down to 70 kg. It is important to eat right and exercise in order to lose weight over time.

How can you lose 4 kg in 4 weeks?

Avoid all junk food, sweets, and sweet drinks - stick to water for drinking. Make your meals a bit smaller. Get some aerobic exercise. Weigh yourself 3 times/week. If you're not losing weight, reduce meal portion-sizes.

How long will it take a 70 kg 13-year-old to lose weight?

if you have balanced diet and exercise eventually in a few months

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Both require the same amount of work

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what is the weight 188 in kg

You are 22 years old 5 feet tall and weight 60 kg is it normal?

Yes. That is the average weight. Just remember to eat healthy and exercise so you don't get overweight.

How many caloreis is equal to one kilogram?

Expressing calories in terms of weight is not simple - there are far more calories in a kg of butter than in a kilo of celery. However, an excess of 7,700 calories will lead to one kg of weight gain. Or, conversely, you have to undereat by, or burn off by exercise that many calories to lose a kg

You are 13 and your weight is 50 kg what should you do?

exercise, jogging, take part in athletics.. dont go for dieting, it will make you weak from inside.. enjoy..:)

What is a 250 kg Japanese sumo wrestlers weight?

250 kg is the weight.

I am 16 yrs old and i weigh 55 KG and am 5 ft 11 the aim is to get bulky but dont quite know what exercises to do and what foods to eat has anyone got any advice?

The best website for up-to-date, practical exercise and weight-lifting information is Far too much to try to cover here.