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cool you could practice kickflips heelflips pop shuvits pretty much any thing just dont fall off!LOL! cool you could practice kickflips heelflips pop shuvits pretty much any thing just dont fall off!LOL!

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15y ago
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14y ago

if you dont have the trucks on the board its and my friends do it all the time

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Q: Can a skateboard go through a trampoline?
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What is Trampoline Basketball?

A Basketball Skateboard

Does Trampboarding do any damage to your trampoline?

If by trampboarding you mean using a skateboard deck on a trampoline then no. It very well could if the wheels were attatched, but generally using only the deck will not harm the trampoline.

Given the same slope angle which is faster a snowboard or skateboard?

a skateboard will go faster a skateboard will go faster a skateboard will go faster

Can a termite eat through a trampoline?

lol no hahaha trampoline is metal ding bat

What is a metaphor for skateboard?

My skateboard is a majestic eagle, soaring through the air.

How do you jump on the trampoline in the shopping mall binweevils?

You go upstairs the pipe and click on the trampoline and you bounce!

Which surface will a skateboard go the longest distance?

A skateboard will go further on concrete.

Where might one go to learn more about element skateboarding?

Element skateboarding refers to the Element Skateboard Company, which is a company specializing in skateboards and skateboard apparel for both men and women. These products can be purchased through the main site for Element Skateboard Company.

What to do outside when your by yourself at your house?

if you have a trampoline you could go on the trampoline and if you have a pool than you can go in the pool or you could do things like go for a jog or walk with an ipod

How do you find the right skateboard?

to find the right skateboard you would have to go to multiple different stores and test them out and pick the perfect skateboard.

How do you jump on the trampoline in shopping mall on Bin Weevils?

if you can't find the trampoline on binweevils i would go to sudz100's nest in one of his room's there is a trampoline have fun

What happens if you tell your insurance company that you do not have a trampoline but you do?

Don't expect insurance to cover you if something does go wrong on the trampoline...