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Yes, no reason not to.

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Q: Is it okay to go swimming after a child has his tooth filled?
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Yes it is okay. If they do something good, it would be okay. Doctor John Marysonn

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Better late than never. Go for it.

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Yes it is, but washing it may lengthen the life of the suit.

Who should eat trix cereal?

If you have heart and blood problems i wouldn't recommend it but if youre a child it really wont matter and if youre just watching your weight don't its filled with sugar basicaly im saying if your healthy its okay but use it sparingly unless your like a child.

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ask if the child is okay and if they don't answer poke em with a stick......

When getting a normal tooth not a wisdom tooth pulled is it okay to drink beer?

i don't know i am not a doctor. No, wait a few days. Alcohol slows the wound healing.

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No, it is not okay for a teacher to grab an autistic child by the wrist. For that matter it is not okay for a teacher to grab the wrist of any child, this would count as assault.

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It's certainly okay. The question is, is that really what you want to do?