

Is it ok to swim in a suit and tie?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Yes it's great fun!

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Q: Is it ok to swim in a suit and tie?
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Is it ok to wear a suit without a tie?

Depending of the occasion. For a wedding, if you are just a regular guest, I think it's ok to wear a suit without a tie. Better is to ask your friends. Depends on the formality of the wedding.

Is it ok to wear a red tie with a black shirt and black pants?

Yes it is ok. In my opinion ,you should wear a white button up long sleeved shirt,red tie and a black suit.

Is it ok to wear a red tie with a red shirt and black pants?

Yes it is ok. In my opinion ,you should wear a white button up long sleeved shirt,red tie and a black suit.

Who invented the swim suit?

Your mother invented the swim suit

How do you get swim suit ready?

Swim suit ready just means looking good in a swim suit. Eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise will help if you are not swim suit ready.

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What color tie goes with a dark blue shirt?

Depends on what you are matching it with. What color is your suit/pants? Get that color on your tie and you should be OK. Medium grey (in a glen plaid) or tan could work.

What are the suit they wear in swimming olympic?

A swim suit!

What color tie suit blue shirt?

Navy blue color tie will be the best one for blue color suit.

What make is Kayla Collins swim suit?

Avante Swim.

Which suit do you wear for the bank robbery mission on gta IV?

For the mission: Three Leaf Clover, Niko is OK as long is he is wearing a suit with a tie from Perseus, plus smart shoes, and it doesn't matter if he is wearing his shades either. Personally I dress him in the onyx (black) suit with the red tie, and the black wingtip shoes. All from Perseus. He looks pretty sharp!

What does a model swim in without a swim suit?

a birthday suit! Swimming without a swim suit would be swimming in the nude. However, a model might be swimming in an outfit or costume if being photographed or videoed as part of the job.