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Yes, as long as the player does not climb upon his own team's player.

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13y ago

Yes, because you still cross the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped so there is nothing wrong with it!!

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Is it legal to drop kick beyond the line of scrimmage?

it is not legal to drop kick beyond the line of scrimmage. all you can do beyond the line of scrimmage is pitch the ball backwards.

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By definition, a lateral is a pass that is thrown sideways to or behind the passer and is legal anywhere on the field, behind the line of scrimmage or beyond the line of scrimmage.

Can you leap over a player to block a kick in the NFL?

Yes it's not a foul and loads of players do it all the time

Is it legal to block a kick with your elbow in a sparring match?

Yes it is never block with elbow it will only injur ur oponent

Is it true that in the NFL a placekick or dropkick doesn't have to be considered a FG attempt?

By rule, if you kick the ball during a scrimmage down, it's called a "scrimmage kick." If a scrimmage kick off the ground goes through the uprights, it's a field goal. Technically, there is no rule that defines a field goal "attempt." You don't necessarily have to "attempt" a field goal when placekicking on a scrimmage down, but if your kick doesn't go through the uprights, the same rules apply as would for a missed field goal.

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Where the offense left the line of scrimmage

Is there a rule that puts holder back 7yards from line of scrimmage on point after touchdown kicks?

No. This distance is used because it is far enough from the line of scrimmage that it's difficult for the defense to interfere with the kick, but not so far that the kick is difficult to make.

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Using NFL rules can a blocked field goal be recovered by the kicking team behind the line of scrimmage and thrown for a touchdown?

If it doesn't cross the line of scrimmage and the kicking team recovers the ball, the kicking team can kick again on the next down. This happened this week in Iowa vs Northern Iowa. Read about it here:

If a kickoff goes between the goalposts is that a fieldgoal?

No. Field goals can only be scored from a scrimmage kick that makes contact with the ground.

Can you still drop kick in the nfl?

Dropkicks can only be attempted on a play from scrimmage, not on a kicking play that restarts the game.