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Source, United States * Under Federal Law, ** Airsoft guns are not classified as firearms and are legal for all ages under federal law, as well as the laws in each state. However, in some major cities and population centers the definition of a firearm within their respected ordinances includes propulsion by spring or compressed air, thus subject to applicable laws. ** A 6 mm minimum orange tip must be present on the barrel end of the airsoft gun to identify it as such for any commercial sales. [1] Once sold, local laws may vary on whether or not the orange tip must be kept - in many places, no laws exist restricting one from removing or replacing the orange tip, but one should check the local laws before making such a modification. ** Airsoft guns' trademarks must be removed where the manufacturer does not have an existing license agreement with the manufacturer of the real fire arm. For example: Classic Army has a licensing agreement with Armalite, so the trademarks can stay on imported replicas of Armalite's weapons. In practice enforcement is hit or miss. You might get an "unlicensed" gun through customs with trademarks intact, while a licensed gun might be held in Customs by an uninformed customs agent. House Resolution 607, sponsored in early 2007, would change this if passed, allowing imports to retain trademarks even if there is no agreement between the real firearms manufacturer and the replica manufacturer.[2] ** In addition, the similarity between genuine firearms and airsoft replicas is close enough to provoke interaction with local law enforcement personnel if an airsoft gun is carried openly in public. ** If someone were to, for example, attempt a robbery with an airsoft gun, they would be charged as if the airsoft gun were a real firearm.[citation needed] * New York City requires that all realistic toy or imitation firearms be made of clear or brightly colored plastics; furthermore, New York City makes possession of any pistol or rifle or similar instrument in which the propelling force is a spring or air, unlawful without a license. See New York City Administrative Code § 10-131(b) and New York City Administrative Code § 10-131(g)(1)(a)[3]. The rest of New York State is unaffected by these laws, and there are no state regulations limiting or prohibiting airsoft. * Michigan allows the purchase of Airsoft guns. However, they must have an orange tip on the barrel. * Texas allows Airsoft guns to be owned but most cities require that the Airsoft guns be discharged only while outside city limits. * Some cities in Illinois considers shipping or distributing airsoft guns illegal. It is officially now not illegal to remove the red top of the airsoft gun * According to New Jersey state law, airsoft guns are classified as firearms, and therefore, must follow state firearm laws regarding posession and purchase. Due to this, "technically", airsofts are legal in New Jersey. If you are going to play, you must do so on a private property. TAKE SPECIAL NOTE ON THE FACT THAT YOU MUST TREAT AN AIRSOFT GUN LIKE A REAL GUN IN PUBLIC, NEVER TAKE IT OUT OF IT'S CASE UNLESS YOU ARE >>>INSIDE<<< YOUR HOME OR AT AN AIRSOFT FIELD. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL GET YOU ARRESTED OR SHOT (BY REAL STEEL)

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Not sure but it's really shocking that a demicatic country like America lets people have guns?


It's really shocking that people from other countries have such extraordinary educations....

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Just to state this i do live in Texas so i know what im talking about. Yes you are allowed to keep it within city property. You can also shoot it on your property, but NEVER bring your airsoft gun into the public. Technically it is legal because you are allowed to carry your rifle in some parts of TX. This wont stop people from freaking out and calling the police when they see a kid walking around with a rifle, plenty of kids die or have encounters with the police for doing that . Also dont spray paint or color over your orange tip, because that is illegal.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

There is no reason to carry a paintball gun outside your backyard or paintball field, and you will defiantly be stopped by the police.


No, it is not illegal. A paint ball gun does not meet the definition of a firearm. Since it only illegal to carry a handgun (a firearm that is made or intended to be fired by one hand) thus it is not illegal to carry.

"Firearm" means any device designed, made, or adapted to expel a projectile through a barrel by using the energy generated by an explosion or burning substance or any device readily convertible to that use......

A paint ball gun uses the energy from the release of air to fire the projectile. It does not use "explosion or burning substance".

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βˆ™ 16y ago

as long as you dont shoot any one walking by you!

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βˆ™ 14y ago

On any private property with the landowner's permission.

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Q: Is it illegal to carry a paintball gun in Texas?
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Are paintball guns illegal to carry on the street of philadelphia?

You cannot openly carry paintball guns anywhere. you must keep it in a case, with gun, air and paint separate until you are home or at the field.

Is it illegal to shoot your paintball gun in Ontario?

no it is not paintball guns are not illegal firearms like other weapons and a paintball guna cant kill you

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Well it is!

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Yes. A paintball gun is not considered a firearm therefore a felon can purchase a paintball gun in Texas.

Is it illegal to shoot a paintball gun into a neighbors yard?

Yes it damages property so it is vandalism. Vandalism isn't always a felony, plus shooting a paintball gun isn't necessarily illegal. It depends on the circumstances.

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No it is not illegal, However it's very stupid and you could potentially be killed

Is it illegal to shoot a paintball gun from a moving vehicle?

nope ...........&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;._&cedil;""""_ ? &hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;.&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;..."--~*'&macr;&hellip;&hellip;.'\ &hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;.&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip; ("---"&cedil;_&hellip;.,/&igrave;'&Igrave; &hellip;&hellip;.&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;.&cedil;"-^"&macr; : : : : :&cedil;-&macr;"&macr;/' &hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&hellip;&cedil;""-^"&macr; : : : : : : : '\&cedil;"",-" **&macr;&macr;&macr;'^^~-"""----~^*'"&macr; : : : : : : : : : :&cedil;-" .:.:.:.:."-^" : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :"-" :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: : : : : : : : : : &cedil;"-^&macr; .::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. : : : : : : : &cedil;""-^&macr; :.' : : '\ : : : : : : : ;&cedil;""-~"&macr; :.:.:: :"-"""***/*'&igrave;&cedil;'&macr; :.': : : : :"-" : : :"\ .:.:.: : : : :" : : : : \, :.: : : : : : : : : : : : '&Igrave; : : : : : : :, : : : : : :/ "-"_::::_"-*__""~

Are stun guns legal in Texas?

Yes, stun guns are legal to carry in Texas, unless the stun gun is in the shape of an item that is already deemed illegal to carry, such as a baton, sap, or brass knuckles.

Is it illegal to shoot paintball guns in your backyard in missiouri?

I don't know were u live in mo. but I live in southern missouri in the ozarks and I know from personal experience that within city limits it is illegal to shoot a paintball gun without a proper license but outside city limits it is not illegal to walk outside ur porch and shoot ur paintball gun. ~colt~

If you live in an apartment is it legal to shoot the trees with a paintball gun?

its not illegal just pretty stupid

Where can you get a paintball gun?

You can get paintball guns from a variety of places. There are local shops that specialize in paintball and paintball goods. Retail stores also carry some but i do not recommend buying any there. If you know the specific brand of gun you would like to buy then go to their direct site. Finally, there are many online sites that carry a wide variety of paintball goods such as and

Is it illegal to carry a tattoo gun on the street?

It can be illegal if you don't have a licence === ===