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Q: Is an Umpire required to hold time for a player who is bleeding for netball?
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Related questions

What are the responceibilities of an umpire in netball?

The responsibilities of the umpire is make sure the game is played properly ,according to the rules ,if a player steps it is the umpires job to penalise them.

What is a rule in netball?

One of the rules in netball is the obstruction rule. This is where a player is less than a meter away from a player on the other team. However this only applies if the opposing player has the ball. If the umpire calls obstruction then a free pass is taken and the perpetrator has to stand by the player's (the player who is taking the pass) side until they throw the ball. xx

Are you able to take the penalty pass on either side of the penalised player in a game of netball?

Yes, usually un-less the umpire is picky, you can take the penaly pass on either side of the penalised player,

When would a player in netball take an advantage?

When the netball player wants to

Can a player be sent off the court in netball?

No you cant, the other side of the court is the other umpires quarter, you can only umpire your own quarter, unless its out of court on your side but the other quarter, you call the out of court :)

Can a player use the end net as a support in attempting to gain a rebound after a shot for goal in indoor netball?

sure, as long as you do not contact your defender. if you are worried, ask your coach or the umpire during training or before a match. :)

Do you have to be an experienced netball player to play for the netball team?

No, you don't have to be an experienced netball player to play for a netball team. Everyone has to start somewhere. Start & you will soon get better. best of luck

What is first violation in netball?

If an umpire calls "first violation" it means there was more than one violation that a team made. If a player first contacts another player then bats the ball out, the first violation would be contact because that is the first rule that was broken.

What would an umpire do in netball if a memeber of the opposing team touches or catches a pass in the center third or goal third or with feet astride the transverse line?

If the player is not permitted in that third or it is a centre pass and the player lands one foot in the goal third, it is offside.

What are the skills required for netball?

If you want to be an average player you just need to be able to throw and catch a ball. If you do want to be a skilled player like me it is just practice, practice, practice!!!

Who is the most famous lady netball player?

irene van dyk is the most famous lady netball player

What is it called when a player goes in an area they aren't allowed in in netball?

It depends if you are playing proper netball or nettaball (younger players netball). In netball it is offside.