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Q: Is an NFL receiver down when his knee touches?
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Why isn't the ball dead when the holder catches the ball when his knee was on the ground. Any other time when the ball handers knee touches the ground the ball is dead?

In the NFL there also has to be contact from a player from the opposing team along with the knee of the holder being down. Just like if a running back slips and his knee touches he can get back up and run as long as the other team doesnt touch him.

If the knee of an offensive player carrying the football never touches the ground but the players hand or arm carrying the ball does is the player down?

he can get up and run if he has not been touched yet. then he has to be tackled to be down, not "touched". The above is true in the NFL...the touch must have caused the fall or happened while the knee or elbow is on the ground. In college or ANY level below the play ends when the players knee or elbow touches regardless of the reason.

Where is the ball spotted when the NFL player is down At the spot where his knee hits or where the ball is when he stretches out?

which ever one hits the ground first is where he is down. ----------------------- The spot of the ball depends entirely upon where the ball is located at the moment when the player is ruled "down." If the player extends the ball forward before his knee (or any part of his body except a foot or hand) touches down, then the ball will be spotted at the point where it was extended.

When is an NFL player considered down?

When the player who has the ball has a knee or elbow on the ground when in contact with a player from the opposite team. When the player that has the ball touches any other body part besides his hands on the ground and is in contact with a player from the opposite team.

Which receiver has the most career touchdowns in NFL history?

NFL Receiver with Most Career TouchdownsJerry Rice, 200

Does the play stops if the QB isn't touched while doing a Knee down?

In the NFL, yes. If the QB, or any player, drops to a knee purposely the play is whistled dead.

Is a player considered down if he catches a pass falls gets up and keeps going?

In college football, once a player's knee touches the ground the play is whistled dead regardless of whether a defensive player made contact with the ball carrier. In the NFL, a defensive player must make contact with the ball carrier to have the play whistled dead. So to answer your question, in college the player is down and the play is over. In the NFL, the player is not down and the play continues.

Is it legal to catch a football on your knees?

Yes. In most levels of football the receiver would be down at the point of the reception, in the NFL the receiver could get up and run if he isn't touched by a defensive player.

Does NFL receiver willie Anderson have a nickname?

Former NFL receiver Willie Anderson, who holds the NFL record for most receiving yards in a single game, went by the nickname of 'Flipper'.

What is the difference between a wideout and wide receiver in the NFL?

wideout is slang for wide receiver

Who is the best receiver in the NFL?

Reggie Wayne

Who is the best NFL receiver?

Steve smith.