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Q: Is a softball player out if they miss home plate and run into the dugout?
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Related questions

Which dugout is home for ASA softball?

The dugout on the first base side is always home no matter what league you are in.

What does R mean in softball stats?

"R" is for runs scored which means the number of times a player crosses home plate.

How far is home plate to pitcher in womens softball?

47.912 feet from pitcher to home plate

What is the difference between a pitcher's plate and the home plate in softball?

43 feet

Which dugout does the visiting team sit in for softball?

The first-base side. Or, depending on the league, the home team gets choice... but the home team picks the 3rd-base side almost 99% of the time.

What side is the Red Sox dugout?

The Mets' dugout at Citi Field is on the first base side.

Which dugout is the home dugout at great American ballpark?

The home dugout is the first base dugout.

What is offensive play in softball?

offense is when you are batting on home plate

In softball what is the distance from third to home plate?

60 feet

What is the term used when a batter is able to reach home plate in softball?

A home run?

How do you score on softball?

you have to get to home plate without the other team getting you out

Length from pitcher's plate to home in majors softball?

43 feet