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Q: Is Michael Vick the best quarterback that jukes?
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Is Michael Vick the best quarterback alive?

No he is not

Who is the best nfl quarterback of 2011?

Michael Vick

Who has the best quarterback rating for 2010?

As of this posting it's Michael Vick with a rating of 108.7

Who you the best quarterback in the NFL?

Tom Brady. The other person put Michael Vick and he abuses dogs. Plus the Patriots are the best anyway.

Whom are Michael Vick parents?

how is the best way to get into with Michael Vick?

Who is the Falcons best quarterback in franchise history?

mike Vick

Who is the best atlanta falcon?

Michael Vick

The was best black quarterback in the NFL ever?

Either Warren Moon or Micheal Vick.

Who is the fastest quaterback?

In the NFL probably Michael Vick but he ruined his starting career by having dog fights he might start later on!

Is Stephanie jukes the best?

no im not lol :o)

Who is the best Quarterback in the nfl in 2010?

1.Mark Sanchez 2.Micheal Vick 3.Tom Brady 4. Peyton Manning 5.Joe Flacco

Why does Michael Vick do the things he does?

He's a troubled man, and I'm not quite sure football is the best thing for him right now.