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No , Nascar is bigger

no Baseball is considers Americas favorite pastime!!

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Q: Is American football the favorite pastime in the United States?
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What sport in America has the most fans?

If you mean America as in North and South America, then the sport would be soccer. If you mean America as in North America, then the sport would still be soccer. If you mean America as in the United States of America, then football (American Football) would be the answer.

What is America's official national sport?

Since the late 1800s, most Americans have regarded baseball as the "national pastime." But since the 1950s, there has been tremendous growth in the popularity of football, and many people would suggest that football has overtaken baseball in popularity. However, America does not really have an official national sport the way some countries that are "soccer-mad" do; soccer (called "football" in other countries, but a different game from American football) never really took hold here, and our national teams are not as widely followed as they are in other countries. =============================== The National Sport of the United States is Baseball. That's is one of the reasons they call it the Great American Pastime.

What countries have American football in their highschools?

The United States and Canada.

What countries play football or soccer?

The United States plays both American style football and soccer.

What states have arena football teams?

There are many states that have an arena football league, including Illinois, Colorado, and Washington. Florida, California, and Oregon also have football teams in the arena franchise.

What sport is ranked number 1 in the United States?

Football. Based on the growing popularity of the sport domestic and worldwide... And the recent 27 billion dollar (according to Forbes). No other sport has a contract that comes close. At every level, there can be glory and popularity for any player. High school players in some states are treated like royalty if they are on a winning team. Playing for a Division I NCAA team is dream for any player. Baseball is the national pastime, but within the last decade it seems like the popularity of football has surpassed our once favorite pastime. While baseball and basketball are still incredibly popular, there seems to be a gap that is increasing every day.

What are the responsibilities and duties of an American football player?

to pledge allegiance to the United States of America

In which countries are blood sport illegal?

UNITED STATES wwe-boxing-American football-

What game is the national game of Rome?

The most Popular Roman sport is Football. Not American Football, But in the United States it is called Soccer.

What is your favourate sports?

In the United States, there's a mixture of favorite sports. Baseball is known as America's past time and favorite sport. However, football, hockey, and figure skating are also favorite sports.

What are the difference between American football and Spanish football?

They do play American Football in Ireland.

Where is the NFL origined?

The National Football League (NFL) was formed in 1922 out of the American Professional Football Association (APFA) in United states of America.