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Yes, just not 2 hits in a row

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Q: In volleyball can a player pass it to someone and then pass it back to that same person?
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Is the person in the volleyball server position considered a back or front row player?

a server is a back row player

What is the title of the seventh player on an indoor volleyball team?

It is the Libero and that person can only play the back row.

What does a back player do in volleyball?


Where does a volleyball player surf from?

the back line C:

What is the name of a right back player in volleyball?

they are called the lebro

Can a person on the back side of a volleyball team spike the ball when i person sets it in front of you?

A player in the back row is allowed to jump and attack the ball from the back row as long as they jump behind the 10 ft. line. If the back row player jumps in front of the 10 ft. line, the team looses the point.

Why does a volleyball team have a player from the other team?

I play volleyball and volleyball does not have a player from another team. What you are referring to may be the libero. The libero is a player that wears a jersey different from the ones that the rest of the team wears. They wear it to show that they can substitute in for any player in the back row of the court at anytime.

What is the name of the volleyball player who can sub at any time?

The libero may replace a back row player at any time.

What is the name of the back row only player added to volleyball a few years ago?

the libero

What are the players in the back row of volleyball?


What ard the positions for beach volleyball?

For two player beach volleyball there's one in the back and one in the back. For six person there's positions 1-6. 1 is the serving area. 2 is the the right side hitter. 3 is middle hitter and most commomly used as the setter position. 4 is the left side hitter. 5 is left back. 6 is middle back.

If a player blocks the ball and it rebounds back on the players side of the court can the same player hit the ball again in volleyball?

yes, because its not actually a pass or anything, they were just blocking. so the same person is able to pass the ball