

In soccer is it offside or offsides?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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14y ago

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Its called Offside, or being in an offside position. Being in an offside position, in and of itself, is not a foul. The foul occurs when the ball is PLAYED to the PERSON in an offside position. You can be "passive", not involved in the play, in an offside position and there is no foul.

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9y ago

In soccer, an attacking player is offside if he or she is in an offside position at the moment his or her teammate plays the ball, and becomes involved in the play. A player is in an offside position if he or she is ahead of the ball and ahead of the penultimate defender. Note that a player cannot be in an offside position on his or her own half of the field, or if he or she is level with the penultimate defender (usually the goalkeeper and one defender, but can be any two members of the defending team) or with the ball. Note that it is not an offense to be in an offside position.

To become involved with the play and be called for offside, a player must become involved with the play by playing (touching) the ball, interfering with an opponent, or by otherwise gaining an advantage from being in that position.

A player cannot be called offside if he or she receives the ball directly from a throw-in, corner kick, goal kick, or kick-off, nor from a deliberate play by a member of the opposing team (this last bit is the result of a revision effective in 2013, but has nearly always been enforced this way). The reason that these exclusions exist is because the Laws were not written to accommodate tactical errors by the opposing team., and players are expected to be ready for these restarts.

In the event of an infraction, play is stopped and restarted with an indirect free kick for the defending team at the location of the offside player at the moment that his or her teammate played the ball (not where he or she became involved with play).

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12y ago

For a pass to be valid in soccer, the player receiving the ball needs to have at least 2 members of the opposing team in front of him, of which can include the goalkeeper. An offside happens when there is just on or no players from the other team in front. There is one exception to this though. If the player receiving the ball does not have at least two players in front of him, but he/she is behing of the ball when the ball was passed, it is not an offside, but a valid pass.

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15y ago

Offside. Rule 74 Off-Side The position of the player's skates and not that of his stick shall be the determining factor in all instances in deciding an off-side. A player is off-side when both skates are completely over the outer edge of the blue line involved in the play.

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11y ago

You cannot be in an offside position in your own half.

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11y ago

An onside player is any player who is not in an offside position, as described in Law 11. Offside players are penalized if they become involved in active play.

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What are the offside rules of Soccer?

If a player of a team is on the other side of the field behind all the players (or behind the defenders) but still in front of the goalie, then this person is in an offside position. This, however, is NOT offside. It is not against the law of soccer to be in an offside position. Now say that person is in an offside position and his/her teammate passed the ball to him/her and that person plays or touches the ball, that is considered offside. That is illegal in the law of soccer. Say the other teammate passed the ball to his/her teammate in an offside position but the person doesn't make a move to go for the ball, then that isn't considered offsides, and therefor is not considered illegal in the law of soccer. A player in an offside position is only penalised if, at the moment the ball touches or is played by one of their team, they are , in the opinion of the referee, involved in active play by: > interfering with play > interfering with an opponent > gaining an advantage by being in that position In doing this the attacking player will between the last defender and the defending goalkeeper when the ball is played to them . If the attacking player is in line with a defending player (not the goalkeeper) then no offside offence has been committed

If 2 people are on a breakaway in soccer and one passes is it offsides?

If the player receiving the ball is behind, or level with, the penultimate (second from last) defender when the ball is played, there is no offside. If the player receiving the ball is behind, or level with, the ball at the moment is is played, there is also no offside infraction. But, if the player receiving the ball is ahead of both the ball and the penultimate defender, and is not on his own half of the field, then the offside infraction must be enforced.

What is the disasdvantage of having an offside in football?

The offside is a very fair rule and has only one disadvantage and that is, the linesmen and referee have to make their decisions in a split second, with the naked eye and they often make mistakes, giving goals that were offside and ruling out goals when they were onside.

In ice hockey myskates are in the offensive zone and I've touched the puck in the neutral zone am i offside?

You are not offside. The puck must enter the offensive zone for offsides to be called. Further, a player's skates can enter the offensive zone before the puck, provided the player is in control of the puck and no other offsides conditions are in effect.

Can you be offside from a kick out in soccer?

No. A player cannot be offside directly from a goal kick.

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do you mean like handball, offsides, foul?

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Hand Balls, offsides, and throw ins