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Q: In conduction heat energy moves through a material in the same way a conductor moves through a?
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The transfer of thermal energy through a material is called what?


Transfer of energy as heat through a material?

Thermal Conduction

What is semiconductor material?

Semi-conductor is a material in which the energy band gap between the conduction band and valance energy band is very less (around 1V) which is in between conductors and insulators So, with just a an excitation energy of around 1v changes the state of semi-conductor to wither conductor or insulator .

Is a conductor of energy a physical or chemical change?

The conductor of energy is not a physical change. The conduction of energy happens due to a chemical bonding of specific metals. A conductor of energy produces a flow of electrical charges.

What happens to metals as they conduct electricity?

The electrons in a conductor will support the movement of electric current. A conductor is defined as a material with a number of electrons in its makeup that are actually in what is called the conduction band. The conduction band is an energy level where electrons must be to permit conduction in a material. If the minimum energy in the conduction band in a material is such that a lot of electrons in that material are already at or above that level, then these electrons will be available to support current flow. Remember that electron current flow is moving electrons, and it is not about sending an electron into a conductor, like a wire, at one end and getting that same electron out at the other. It is about sending a bunch of them in at one end, and all the electrons already in the conductor move over and a bunch come out the other end. The electrons already in the conduction band within the conductor support current flow in this way.

How does conductors allow heat to go through?

Heat energy can be transfered through a conductor or medium, in three ways. Radiation, which is how the sun transfers energy, through waves. Convection, which is how wind works, the transfer of heat by mixing particles together. Conduction, which is how your hand warms up when someone touches it. The particles transfer their heat energy to adjacent particles.

What is a semi-conductor material?

Semi-conductor is a material in which the energy band gap between the conduction band and valance energy band is very less (around 1V) which is in between conductors and insulators So, with just a an excitation energy of around 1v changes the state of semi-conductor to wither conductor or insulator .

What changes electrical energy into heat?

when electrons flow through a conductor then the material of the conductor offers resistance to excite the electrons in the conductor to release heat energy.

Explain How electricity is derived from a magnet?

When any material moves through a magnetic field (for example, close to a magnet), a voltage is induced in the material. If the material is a good conductor, and is properly connected, a current can be derived from this. Moving the conductor through the magnetic field requires work (due to the magnetic field of the moving conductor itself); thus, mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy, and energy conservation is not violated.

Does thermal energy have slow moving particle?

You are perhaps thinking of thermal conduction? Heat travels by conduction through a material by atoms of the material vibrating and passing this movement on through the material, it is also helped by free electrons which exist in good conductors like most metals.

What is increased to slow down conduction?

I believe you're fishing for "resistance" as the answer, but it's not correct to say that it "slows down" conduction. The current that flows in a high-resistance conductor flows just as fast as it does through a copper bar, but in doing so, it loses more energy to the conductor, which shows up as heating of the conductor.

What the transfer of energy as heat through a material?

That would normally be conduction unless the material is fluid - in which case you would have a combination of conduction and convection. In some cases a material may be sufficiently transparent to permit some heat transfer via radiation.