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Q: If you square to bunt and do not attrmpt to bunt it on a ball out of the strike zone is it considered a strike?
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If a ball bounces off the dirt and into the strike zone is it considered a strike or a ball?

A called strike cannot hit the ground and then go thru the strike zone. Baseball rule section 2.00 Definitions of Terms: A ball is a pitch which does not enter the strike zone in flight and is not struck at by the batter. If the pitch touches the ground and bounces through the strike zone it is a "ball". If such a pitch touches the batter, he shall be awarded first base. If the batter swings at such a pitch after two strikes, the ball cannot be caught, for the purposes of rule 6.05 (c) and 6.09 (b). If the batter hits such a pitch, the ensuing action shall be the same as if he hit the ball in flight.

Any ball that goes outside the 1st and 3rd baselines?

A ball that goes outside the 1st and 3rd baselines in baseball is considered foul. If a batter hits a foul ball, it is considered a strike, except when a player already has two strikes.

A foul ball is considered a?

A foul ball in a two strike count is nothing it count as a strike for the pitcher count but the count will stay the same and no out. In the case of a one strike count or a zero strike count, the fould ball is counted as a strike and the count will be a 1 strike difference. EX: 0 strikes turn into 1 strike 1 strike turn into 2 strikes 2 strikes stay at 2 strikes

In baseball how many fouls equal a strike?

One foul ball equals one strike unless it is the third strike.

In major league baseball is a foul ball considered a strike?

Unless the foul occurs on the second strike, in which nothing is called then yes.

If a pitcher throws the ball to the batter and he doesn't hit it?

If the batter attempts to hit the ball and misses, it is a strike. If the batter does not attempt to hit the ball and the ball enters the strike zone, it is a strike. If the batter does not attempt to hit the ball and the ball does not enter the strike zone, it is a ball (unless it hits the batter, then the batter is awarded 1st base).

Does the catcher have to catch the third strike in his glove to not be considered a passed ball Example ball hits the catcher in the chest rolls down but traps it and does not hits the ground?

You situation has nothing to do with passed balls. You are talking about the "uncaught third strike". And no, as long as the ball does not hit the ground it is considered caught. If the batter traps the ball and he gets it before it hits the ground, he caught it. Bobbling the ball and catching it is an out.

What are the balls in baseball?

A ball in base ball is a ball outside of the strike zone. The strike zone is from mid-chest to knees and over home plate. Any ball inside the strike zone is a strike.

If a hitter motions for a bunt and doesnt make contact and the pitch is a ball is the batter charged with a strike or ball?

if the batter doesnt pulll back the bat its considered a strike It depends If the bat passes the front of the plate then it is a strike If the bat stays behind the plate it is the ball It is determined the same way that a held swing is

When at bat is it a foul ball if the batter is hit by the pitch on the hands?

If the ball strikes the bat handle and then the hands it is a foul ball. If the ball strikes the batter on the hands he is awarded first base, provided the pitch is not in the strike zone and the batter has made an attempt to avoid the ball. A batter is not entitled to first base if he is hit with a pitch while attempting to hit the ball.

If a hitter gets a hit is it scored a ball or a strike?

For the pitcher's ball/strike pitch numbers, it is counted as a strike.

If a ball comes to the batter and it's a good ball and it's not swung at is that consided a strike out?

If the pitch is in the strike zone, and the batter does not swing, it is a "strike." If the pitch is not in the strike zone, and the batter does not swing, it is a "ball."