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Throw the ball back to the pitcher. A batter can not advance on a dropped third if first base is occupied.

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Q: If there are no outs and bases are loaded on a drop third strike. What should the catcher do?
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Does a batter get a RBI on a wild pitch?

Good question. The only thing that would be close to a WILD PITCH RBI would be if the batter swung at the pitch for a third strike, which of course the catcher couldn't catch. There would have to be a runner on third, and the batter would have to be safe at first on the dropped third strike rule. I do not believe that this would truly be an RBI though, because technically, a dropped third strike is like a walk, the batter is not credited with a hit.

If bases are loaded and batters swings and misses where do the runners go?

The runners stay on base unless: if it's strike 3, out 3, the inning is over and runners leave the field and switch to defense as long as the game isn't over; if it's a wild pitch and not strike 3, out 3, the runners can advance at their own risk; if it's strike 3 and not out 3 and the catcher fails to catch the ball, all runners (including the batter) can run to the next base

If the bases are loaded with 1 out does ever body have to run?

Yes, because the bases are loaded!

What are the ways that Branch Rickey said you could score from third base to home with less than two outs?

I can think of 12 ways (I answered this question for someone else and onyl thought of ten): Base hit Wild pitch Passed ball Sacrifice fly Squeeze bunt Fielder's choice Ground out by batter Balk by pitcher Batter walked with bases loaded Batter hit by pitch with bases loaded Error on fielder Steal of home What about interference by the catcher on a pitched ball with the bases loaded? Would not the batter be awarded first base, thus forcing the run home from third? Answer We came up with 18: 1. Hit 2. Error 3. Passed Ball 4. Wild Pitch 5. Balk 6. Catcher's Interference 7. Sac Fly 8. Bunt 9. Bases Loaded Walk 10. Bases Loaded HBP 11. Wild pick off throw 12. Wild throw from catcher back to pitcher 13. Steal of home 14. Fielder Interference (Cecile, not Prince) 15. Fan Interference 16. Muffed Infield Fly 17. Fielder's Choice 18. Catcher's Balk

What does loaded bases in softball mean?

bases loaded means that there is a runner on 1st base, a runner on 2nd base, and a runner on 3rd base, all of the bases.

Bases loaded I get walked Is that an RBI?


What does it mean when the bases are loaded in baseball?

3 base runners on 3 bases

If bases are loaded and the pitcher throws a wild pitch in retreiving the wild pitch the catcher catches the ball with his mask are the base runners automatically awarded 2 bases?

Any play on a ball with a hat, mask, throwing the glove, or using your jersey intentionally to field a ball shall be rewarded as 3 bases and it is a live ball -- so in your scenario.. all 3 runs would score, and the catcher could face an ejection the catcher picking the ball up with is mask is considered a balk and all the runners Will advance one (1) base

Does the catcher have to catch pitches or can he act as another infielder or outfielder when the bases are empty?

there are many reasons as to why the catcher has to be behind home plate and NOT play the infield or out field here are a few ...the catcher gives the signs to the pitcher ( what to throw)if theres no catcher the 3rd strike will be dropped ( the batter will take 1st easily)the cather will frame the ball ( make it look like a strike)Clarification:Actually the only fundamental reason you need a catcher behind the plate is --- if you do not, then nobody will be in the "catcher box" and this will be a balk on the catcher, meaning you pitcher can never throw a strike because every pitch will be illegal --- other then that you would probably really upset the Home Plate umpire. I guess if you wanted absolutely no chance of winning (because your pitcher cant get anyone out if every pitch is illegal), then you can stick your catcher wherever you want --- all the other things mentioned above is good too, but those are not THE REASON you cannot have a catcher, because even if your catcher doesnt do those things when he is behind the plate your team will be ok (i.e little league catchers dont do most those things)

If thereโ€™s two outs runner at third and the batter swings at strike three but the catcher misses the ball and goes to the back stop the runner at third comes to home but the catcher gets the out at first is the runner at third save or out?

When does it matter? A dropped third strike only matters when first base is unoccupied OR there are two outs. If there is a runner on first base and less than two outs, then a dropped third strike doesn't matter and the batter is out. What can the batter Do? Once a batter either looks at strike three or swings and misses at strike three and the ball is either not caught or dropped by the catcher, the batter becomes a runner and can attempt to make it to first base before either being tagged by the catcher or thrown out at first base. What if the pitch bounces? 99.99% of the time it is not a legal catch and the catcher (even if he fields the bounced pitch cleanly) must tag out the runner or throw him out at first base. Rule 6.05 specifies that a batter is out when a third strike is legally caught by the catcher and goes on to state that this must occur before the ball hits the ground. 0.01% of the time (and no these are not official calculations) the bounced pitch that is fielded by the catcher would be considered a legal catch. This can happen if the hitter swings and fouls off the pitch into the catcher's glove after the pitch has bounced. It is considered a legal catch at that point and the batter is out. What if the runner at first is stealing? If there are less than two outs, it doesn't matter. Even on an attempted steal, first base is considered occupied and the batter is out. What happens when there are two outs? When there are two outs the same rule applies with the addition that first base can be occupied. In this situation a force play can be created on other bases in addition to either tagging out the batter or throwing him out at first. Example: Bases loaded, two outs. Catcher drops the third strike. A force play has now been created at all bases as all runners must try to advance. Catcher can simply step on home plate for the force at home and third out. He doesn't have to make the out on the batter. What if a runner crosses the plate before the batter is thrown out at first or tagged? The run does not count. Example: Runner on third, two outs. Catcher drops the third strike, while he is picking it up and throwing to first, the runner from third crosses home plate. As long as the catcher throws out the runner at first, the run doesn't count. The force play at first is the same as if a ground ball was hit to another infielder. The run doesn't count.

Should you cover 2nd base if the bases are loaded?

Depends, If the game is almost over, and its a close came, then you should play infield in. However, if its early in the game, you should play your regular position.

Who walked Mariano Rivera with bases loaded?
