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I am 205 and can bench in the mid 300lbs range. If you want to lift a lot you must train with a lot. 5 or 6 sets of 6 and less. And a crap load of protein is also a key factor. I went from 225 to 305 in 5 mths.

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Q: If i am 160 5'9 bench 145 from 15 to 20 times and max out at 200 1 much would i be benching in about 2 months?
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Is 185 bench press good?

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yea that's pretty good I'm 13 and i can bench 160 Well its good but it also depends on how much you weigh. If your 200 lbs benching 275 its not that impressive. but say ur 130lbs then yes that's good. like i am 135lbs and bench 280lbs. that's more than double my body weight. and i sqaut 475 which is more than 3.5 times my body weight. So base your answer on how much you weigh.

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Almost their just work on your benching because you need to at least bench your body weight.

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it really depends on what you want to do you want to be a body builder or weight lifter? or just stay in shape? well if you just want to stay in shape you should be reping about 130-140 about 6,8,10 times. If you want to be a body builder then you should be reping like 115-120 12,15,20 times. Weight lifter, you should at least be abel to bench press your body weight a couple times. Maybe about 3,4,5 times. And then just work up from there.

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What is the fastest way to increase your bench press?

fastest way to bench well to start off you need to pass your plateau when you reached. What this means is when you cant increase your bench how to surpass it. Firstly you need to warm up . pick up the bar alone and bench it 10 times then add 10 pounds to each side and bench 10 times once your warmed up ( make sure your not tired) increase to about 50% maximum bench 6to 8 times then increases to 80% maximun and bench 4 to 6 times ( may want to do 2 reps) finally if you have a spotter increase to 105% of your maximum bench do till failure ex% if you bench 100lbs increase to 105lbs BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY get in protein either by meat or whey protein. Eat breakfast it is important and drink juice or eat fruits after a workout to replenish carbs . Sleep before 10 pm studys show the body repair during 10pm to 2 pm . AND REMEMBER this may not work for you if it doesnt change it up a little try warming up then going maximun and drease from there. Benching is hard it took me quite a while to reach 350lbs bench (3 years) so dont give up and make sure you rest for at least 48 hours give or take 10hrs ( depends on intensity of workout) p.s. supplement are okay steriods are not try and above those

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