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Weigh it down some how in water and boil the water,or you may also use the butt of a racket and round the ball back up

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Q: How would you restore a dented table tenis ball to its origonisl shape?
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How would you restore a dented table tennis ball back to its original shape?

Possibly you could heat it in a bath of water which would heat the gas inside increasing the pressure. direct flame or heat would be a bad idea given the flammability of cellulose

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Why placing a dented table tennis ball in boiling water is one way to remove the dent in the ball?

The heat will cause the air inside the table-tennis ball (ping pong ball) to expand and so push the dint out.

Why can a dented table tennis ball often be mended by warming it in a hot water?

The hot water heats the air inside the ball, which expands and forces the dent to pop out.

How do I restore color to red formica table top?

Products like Countertop Magic and NuFinish can bring back the shine of your Formica table.