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The temperature of a room will effect the amount a ball will rebound (bounce) off the floor, off a backboard or rim. If a Basketball is filled with air to the regulation pressure and then it is moved to a room with a higher temperature, the ball will soon start to bounce more. Alternatively if you move it a cooler room it will bounce less. This is because:

Pressure = Volume x Temperature. As the temperature rises (assuming there is no leak in the ball to allow the volume of air to escape) the pressure on the inside of the ball will increase, this will increase the bounce of the ball. If, instead of the temperature rising, it decreases the pressure on the inside of the ball will go down and the bounciness of the ball will go down as well.

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Q: How would the temperature effect the bounce of a basketball?
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No,of course not, the friction between the basketball and the grass would make the ball bounce less.

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when the temperature is cold, the air inside the basketball will shrink, and hotter temperatures will expand the air creating more air pressure inside the ball making it bounce better, try putting a balloon in the freezer and seeing how much it shrinks and expands when you take it out. But what would happen if the pressure in the basketball was the same in the warm and cold conditions? The colder ball would have to have more mass of air inside of it. At least to first order, they response to the external impact would be the same. I would bet that the stiffer rubber would still make the cold ball bounce lower than the warm one, but it would be an interesting experiment. Remember that air affects the height the basketball bounces. Colder air is more dense and therefore has more friction than warm air. The difference isn't entirely noticeable in something as big as a basketball but for example in badminton the shuttlecock which has high air resistance responds differently in different climates. You need to buy either faster or slower shuttles depending on the temperature on the day.

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If you were bouncing them both, a basketball would bounce higher.

Are you allowed to stop then bounce in basketball?

No, that would be called double dribble and yes if you receive the ball, stop then you can bounce.

What can you change in a basketball bounce?

well i would kick it or something hahaha

Does weather effect the bounce of a netball?

Yes weather does effect the bounce of a netball. because if it was windy. the netball would move.

How high will a basketball bounce on concrete grass and carpet?

A basketball will bounce more on concrete because it is a flatter surface then carpet and grass

Can a basketball be shaped like a football?

No...It would bounce all over the place...

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Answer 1 NO!NO!NO!

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