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Q: How will an updraft and a downdraft affect a skydiver in reaching terminal velocity?
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A skydiver steps from a helicopter and falls for 5 seconds before reaching her terminal velocity during this 5 second interval her acceleration?

the crate will reach terminal velocity last, but hit the ground frist.

A skydiver steps from a helicopter and falls for 5 seconds before reaching her terminal velocity During this 5 second interval her acceleration will?

increase- your speed will increase until terminal velocity is reached. From there it will stay constant.

How does a skydiver increase his or her terminal velocity?

adding weight and by decresing air recistance

What happens to a skydiver before they open their parachute?

They jump out of the plane and accelerate to terminal velocity.

A skydiver who weighs 500 N reaches terminal velocity of 90kmh the air resistance on the diver is then?


What happens before terminal velocity takes place?

Before reaching terminal velocity, an object will fall faster and faster.

Is it true that the steady speed reached by a skydiver is called the terminal velocity?

Yes. Not just a skydiver; anything that falls long enough will eventually reach "terminal velocity", which means that it will continue falling at a constant speed, because the force of gravity and the force of air resistance are in balance.

Is it possible for the sky diver in this picture to be falling at a constant velocity?

Any skydiver can fall at a constant velocity. This is called the, "Terminal velocity". Since we do not have the picture that you mention, nothing more can be assumed.

How much air resistance acts on a 500 N skydiver that falls at her terminal velocity?

500 N is pressumably the weight, due to gravity. "Terminal velocity" means that the forces are in balance; the total force acting on the skydiver are zero. This is only possible if there is a 500 N force due to friction, to counteract the weight.

What is a skydivers velocity after 2 seconds?

Acceleration due to gravity is 9.8m/s/s, which is the same as 9.8m/s2. An acceleration of 9.8m/s/s means that with each passing second, the velocity of the skydiver increases by 9.8m/s. Therefore, after two seconds. a skydiver's velocity would be 19.6m/s. The acceleration will continue at 9.8m/s/s until the skydiver reaches terminal velocity, at which point the weight of the skydiver and the air resistance will be balanced, so the net force acting on the skydiver will be zero, at which point there will be no further acceleration.

what force is increased after the skydiver open parachute?

To start with there is gravitational attraction. As soon as the skydiver starts falling, (s)he will experience the drag force due to air resistance. The gravitational force is essentially constant but the drag increases as the diver's velocity increases until it equals gravity. The diver is the falling at terminal velocity and will continue to do so until the parachute is operated.

Babies have been heard to survive from falls from great heights what is the terminal velocity of a baby at sea level?

I don't know about a child, but terminal velocity for a skydiver is roughly 120 miles per hour, depending on their position in which they fall.