

How were athletes trained in ancient Greece?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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Mainly, the answer is: everyone was trained when they were young kids by training in every sport.

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How were the athletes trained in ancient Greece?

the athletes were trained by working hard

Where did the ancient Greece athletes come from?

Greece mainly

How were the athletes in the ancient Greece Olympics trained?

They were training for 6 months . Promise me . We learn it the other day .Alisa Udaltsova year 5 EIS Moscow .

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it was a free life just because they were the athletes

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i dont know i asked you

How were the athletes of the Ancient Olympics trained?

the god of olympia trianed the athletes so they were ready for the olympics

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Athletics were a key part of education in Ancient Greece. Greeks believed that developing the body was just as important as improving the mind for overall health.

Why are athletes so important to ancient Greece?

Without them the ancient Greeks would not have been able to start the Olympics.

How did the ancient Greek feel about the athletes?

the athletes were an important part of greek culture to be an athlete in Greece you had to train about 8 hours a day.

What did wining athletes receive in Ancient Greece?

The ancient olypians recived a wreath made iut of olive leaves and twigs

Where there trainers in ancient Greece for Olympic athletes?

Yes, there were trainers for the Ancient Greek athletes. The wages weren't expensive, so pretty much anybody could hove gotten the training.