Mikel Leshoure was born on 1990-03-30.
Mikel Leshoure plays for the Detroit Lions.
Mikel Leshoure is number 25 on the Detroit Lions.
Mikel Leshoure plays Running Back for the Detroit Lions.
NFL player Mikel Leshoure played for Illinois.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Mikel Leshoure is 24 years old.
NFL player Mikel Leshoure weighs 233 pounds.
Mikel Leshoure was selected in the second round of the 2011 NFL draft by the Detroit Lions.
Nick Fairley, Mikel Leshoure, Titus Young, Doug Hogue, And Johnny Culbreath
Mikel Miller is 6'.
Mikel Giffin is 6'.
Mikel Arvizu is 5' 10".