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Soccer is the most popular game in Brazil. The percentage could well be 80%.

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9y ago

There are various reasons that soccer is so popular in Brazil. For example, there is the fact that the national team is among the best in the world.

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11y ago

one twentieth of a hundred

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Q: How popular is soccer around the world?
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How popular is soccer around the world for youth?

Soccer is the most popular sport in the world, at any age.

What sport is most popular around the world soccer or baseball?

In my opinyoun, SOCCER ROX!

Is soccer the worst sport in the world?

No, it is very popular around the world, however here in America, it is not.

What is the most popular ball game in the world?

Either Soccer or Baseball. Soccer is probably the most because there are people from all around the world following it.

Which is the most popular soccer league in the world?

The most popular soccer league in the world is the E.P.L.

Is soccer the popular sport?

Soccer is popular all over the world including here in America. Not really, Soccer is popular over the world except America. Soccer in America but it is call football.

Why are baseball and soccer popular sports?

soccer is a popular sport because it is world wide and people like to play it. it has been around for a long time and the longer it has been around the more fans it has gotten. baseball is only popular in America and japan. soccer is way better than baseball anyway.

Is formula 1 more popular than soccer?

Golf would be far more popular than formula one as it is very very popular world wide. Formula one isn't really popular in USA but golf is massive there.

Modern soccer evolved from what popular sport?

Quite the contrary. Most popular team sports today evolved from soccer, not the other way around. This includes American football. That is how our nations most popular sport got it's name. It started as football (soccer) which is the common term around the world. Soccer can be traced to the year 200 AD in China.

Is soccer the first popular sport in the world?

No, soccer was not the first popular sport in the world. Although not the first, it is now the most popular sport in the world. The first popular sport was baseball.

Is NASCAR or Soccer the most popular sport?

Soccer is by far the most popular sport in the world.

Is soccer a popular sport in spain?

Soccer is the most popular sport in Chile and in most of the World.