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Sutter had quite a few kids but they were aged from birth to death

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Q: How old were sutters children and how many children did he have?
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How do you say sutters place in spanish?

You might say "el lugar de los Sutter." It literally means "the place of the Sutters." 'Los Sutter' means "The Sutters" in Spanish.

What was john sutters mill?

It was sawmill

Who lived at sutters fort?

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What were john sutters dreams?

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Who were john sutters family?

john sutters family was his mom carlena his dad john his sisters martha and mary and his thre brothers camrean william and jacob.

What makes sutters mill special?

the gold rush

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With a bell.

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Did the Sutters mill go looking for gold in California?


In 1849 who was the first to mine gold in California?

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Why is it called 'sutters folly'?

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