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more than you can afford

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Q: How much would a small extreme sports business electric bill be?
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What is the average electric bill for a small business?

What is the average cost of electricity per month for a small business?

How much would the electric cost for a small restaurant business be?

It would cost about $20,000.

What is the average gas bill for a small business?

Gas is around 40-50 a month depending on size of business. Electric can run up to 125 dollars a month.

What is an example of a Regional business?

A regional company is a regulated business, but in a small area. For example, it could be a little electric company starting out against large conglomerates.

Are roller coasters or extreme sports more fun?

Roller coasters because you get more adrenaline pumped in a small amount of time when your on a roller coaster. Sports take more time to get you excited unless your like a dare devil motor cyclist which I do not advise becoming.

What are some techniques a small business can use to be green?

For a business to go green they would need to be as environmentally friendly as possible. Start off with recycling as much as possible. Then try saving electric and water as much as possible.

Where are the hard information points on Wii Sports Resort Island Flyover?

Inside caves, especially small ones. And some stuff like the extreme canoeist that are small and way out in the ocean, and try looking in between golf island and wuhu, you'll find some there

What size do extreme wheels come in?

Extreme Wheels comes in extreme sizes. There are the Extra Small, Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large. For the people who want different sizes apart from that Extreme Wheels offers a random size, you can choose your own size.

How is it to create a small business plan?

A small business plan is not a difficult thing to do. A person can create a small business plan through the small business administration website. They will give you free advice.

Who do you have to register a small business with?

Register a small business in the state your doing business with the state government

What is the use of a miniorty small business loan?

The use of a minority small business loan is to give a small business a small amount of money which later will have to be re payed. These are mostly used when a business starts out.

Which senate committee researches and investigates any issue concerning Americas small businesses?

(Committee on Small Business)