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Q: How much education is needed to be a professional football player?
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Would you approve for a 9th grader to place his goal to go and be a professional football player?

It is definitely worthwhile to set goals. A person may (and probably should) have several goals. Becoming a professional football player may certainly be one of them. In setting goals, you should also outline what steps you have to take to reach your goals. Getting a good high school education is not only an excellent goal in itself, it is also an extremely important step in achieving your goal of becoming a professional football player. High school football prepares you for college football, and college football prepares you for professional football. Professional football teams select players from the colleges, usually from among those who are in their graduating year. Getting a good high school education gets you into college, so getting into college should be one of your steps in becoming a professional football player. Of course, getting into college is also an excellent goal in itself. Getting a good college education should also be one of your long-term goals, as well as being one of the steps to take in becoming a professional football player. Since professional football teams usually select players who are in their graduating year, it is necessary to get good grades in order to stay in college and play football. A good college education also prepares you for a career after you retire as a professional football player. The most important thing in life, as well as football, is to be and do the best you can at all times, in every situation. Always put 100 percent of your effort into whatever you do, whether it is making a tackle or writing an essay. Most graduating college football players have the physical ability to play professional football. The difference in making it as a professional football player is usually not physical ability, it's mental attitude. Learn something from all of your experiences, both positive and negative experiences. Become a better person, and a better football player, as a result of each and every experience.

Is Santiago Muñez a professional football player?

Santiago Muñez was a fictional professional football player from the Goal! film trilogy series.

Who was the professional football player?

Lionel Messi

What education do need to be a football player?


What are the wages of female football players?

There has yet to be a professional female football player.

What is similar in professional football and high school football?

the player positions and the field!