China - $51,000 (350,000 yuan)
Central sports officials in China have not said how high the bonuses they give will be, but the Chinese-language Sports Weekly reported they are likely to hand gold medal winners 350,000 yuan ($51,000) each, plus big payments shared out from sponsors.
I would air on the side of not much. Bronze itself is worth $1.50 - $2.50 a pound I believe, depending on grade. And I'm not sure how much the medals themselves weigh. So they aren't worth too terribly much, not the metal anyway. Regardless, to the athletes that win the medals, I'm sure they are priceless.
A lot
No ... through the 2008 Games the U.S. has not won any medals in badminton much less a gold.
$13,000 pesos a month for the rest of the athletes life. Reference is Univision commentators during a Mexico vs US soccer Match.
$13122.32 US Dollars at todays market price of $1623.60 if it weighed 250 grams like the medals do today. Steve Looser
None, they don't even get paid it is just a good thing for their country.
Athletes do not get paid for winning any of the medals. It is the honor for them and their country. Some do get endorsements from various companies like Nike, but for most they go home to their normal lives.
Countries are not encouraged to pay anything to winners for the actual win. Countries can, however, assist with expense compensation. Winners most likely will receive compensation for their efforts, down time, and for promotional activities before and after the olympics from private and public corporations.
65 Million including endorsements
Nothing; most Olympic athletes make money from endorsement deals and other ways of trading on their fame such as book deals, television commentary, interviews, etc. Many, particularly in less popular sports have regular jobs, or are supported by their families.
Olympic athletes are amateurs. They do not get paid. Britain does not award cash to medal winners. Other countries in the UK might award cash to their medal winners.
There were 962 metals given out for the 302 events. The number of Athletes is much higher because every athlete will get the medal on the winning team or pair. There were Bronze medals awarded to 2 individuals in 56 events and there were also 2 bronze metals upgraded to silver when there were ties for second. 302 gold metals 304 silver medals and 356 bronze medals were won by the athletes. Just in Men's water Polo the event medals of the Gold Silver and Bronze medals were awarded to 39 athletes and the same for the women's Water Polo. In Football or Soccer the Men and Women's event metals went to 108 athletes who are members of the six medal winning teams. Instead of 12 medals there were 182 athletes who received metals for these 4 events alone
No one is paid for winning Olympic medals directly. However winning one may improve some ones chances of getting a sponsor and advertising contract.
He has 3 gold medals from the Olympics.
Olympic Games: 3 gold medals Commonwealth games: 2 gold medals
20 %
British has 9 gold metals