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Q: How might the temperature in the gym affect the volume of a basketball and its bounce?
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How would the temperature effect the bounce of a basketball?

The temperature of a room will effect the amount a ball will rebound (bounce) off the floor, off a backboard or rim. If a basketball is filled with air to the regulation pressure and then it is moved to a room with a higher temperature, the ball will soon start to bounce more. Alternatively if you move it a cooler room it will bounce less. This is because: Pressure = Volume x Temperature. As the temperature rises (assuming there is no leak in the ball to allow the volume of air to escape) the pressure on the inside of the ball will increase, this will increase the bounce of the ball. If, instead of the temperature rising, it decreases the pressure on the inside of the ball will go down and the bounciness of the ball will go down as well.

How does high temperature affect volume?

High temperature makes the volume greater.

How does the change in temperature affect the volume of gas?

As the temperature of a gas increases, so does the volume.

How does temperature affect the volume of substance?

An increase in temperature will cause an increase in volume, while a decrease in temperature will cause a decrease in volume.

What are factors that affect gas pressure?

There are two factors that affect gas pressure. These factors are temperature and volume. Higher volume means lower pressure. Higher temperature means higher pressure.

If you increase the temperature of an object does it affect the volume?

Yes, it does affect the volume. The relationship between them can be explained by the equation pV=nRT (pressure x volume = number of moles of gas x molar gas constant x temperature). Therefore, there is a direct proportionality between temperature and volume. If the temperature doubles, so does the volume.

How does temperature affect the volume of a solid liquid and gas?

the higher the temperature, the higher the volume of a solid - michelle strafer

Does the type of cup affect water's temperature?

Yes, the size (volume and mass) and the type of the cup will affect its temperature


Volume is a measure of how much space something takes up. Temperature and pressure affect volume.

How does decreasing the volume affect the volume of gas?

If the temperature remains constant, decreasing the volume will increase the pressure.

How does increasing the temperature of a gas within a gas tank affect its volume?

It affects pressure, not volume.

What affect the volume of solids?

Volume is the ratio between mass and density; density depends on temperature.