There is an Olympic games every two years. But it alternates between summer and winter Olympics.
Ever since the olympic games were every 4 years, so were the olympic winter games, and they probably started out in different years so they will always be that way.
The Summer and Winter Olympic Games are every 4 years. However there are other Olympic games during the period between so atheletes can keep in training and pick the best for the competition.
28. The first modern Olympics was in Athens in 1896 and the first Winter Olympics was in Chamonix (France) in 1924.
ski cross
There is an Olympic Games every two years, alternating between Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics.
how many years between the olympic games
there are 4 years in between the 'summer' Olympics, and then, 2 years later, the winter Olympics. e.g. the Olympics in 2008, the winter Olympics in 2010 and then the Olympics in 2012 and so-on.
The 1984 Winter Games in Sarajevo.
Every $ years.