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This is available on Wikipedia. Type in FIFA World Cup. (Of course, their one win was in 1996.)

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Q: How many times has England earned a podium place at a FIFA World Cup?
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How are medals winner positioned on the podiums?

On a podium there are three steps for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. If you were facing the front of the podium, first place would be in the middle, second place would be on the left and third place would be on the right. 3rd and 2nd position can vary depending on the podium.

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The podium refers to the raised platform used by the winners of a sporting event to stand on while presented with their awards. Players who place first, second, or third in a competition on Howrse, are said to have "made the podium".

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Lewis Hamilton has been on the podium 5 times this season. 1. 1st place - Hungary 2. 2nd place - Europe 3. 1st place - Singapore 4. 3rd place - Japan and Brazil

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Podium, dais, chair, head table, stage

Where can I purchase podium furniture?

You could find a podium anywhere you find office furniture. Before deciding to buy one online, you may want to look locally so you won't have to pay a huge shipping fee. Do a search for a place you have in your area to buy the podium!

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The place you seek is England.

The thing that people stand on for first second and third place?

The three tiered platform is a 'podium'.

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7 after Spain and Brazil