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Including the game on 11/29/10, FC Barcelona defeated Real Madrid 82 times.

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Q: How many time did football club Barcelona defeated real Madrid football club?
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The biggest football club with ccash balance is Real Madrid. Second is Manchester United. And Third comes Barcelona. in the 2007-2--8 report.

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What does cf mean from CF Barcelona?

reality is fc Barcelona and it means football club Barcelona or cf club of football of Barcelona

What is FC iin Barcelona?

F.C Barcelona stands for Football club Barcelona tey are one of Spains giants along with Real Madrid. They are the only Spanish club ever to win all three cups tere in one year not even Real Madrid have done this with their big money and players.

What is the name of Barcelona football club?

Fútbol Club Barcelona. (basically Barcelona)

What are the richest football clubs as at 2010?

There can not be a richest club in 2009 . As the year is not yet over , but you can have the richest club in 2007-08. They are as follows. 1 Real Madrid. 2 Manchester United . 3 Barcelona.