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You can have no sponsors! The pope changed it

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Q: How many sponsors can you have when you are being confirmed?
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Related questions

How old do Catholic sponsors have to be?

This varies from parish to parish. However, usually the only qualification is that the sponsors just need to have been confirmed in the Catholic Church.

How many sponsors did Hernan Cortes have?

He had 6 sponsors.

What are Travis Pastranas sponsors?

try this website

What is a person that is being confirmed in a religion called -?

A person who is being confirmed is called a Confirmand. Plural is Confirmandi.

What is a person that is being confirmed in a religion called?

A person who is being confirmed is called a Confirmand. Plural is Confirmandi.

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Kobe Bryant has had many sponsors throughout his career. A few sponsors he worked with were McDonald's Sprite, Upper Deck and Spalding and Nike.

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Because its sponsors like the Beatles.

How many skateboard sponsors are there in the world?

There are over 150 big sponsors plus small skate shop sponsor's.

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Some Olympic Bobsledders have up to 5 corporate sponsors.

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How many sponsors can you have for confirmation?

At least one.

Who sponsors greenday?

A looooong list of sponsors. Many major ones include: Marshall Fender Gibson (Possibly) Grestch