Flying miles from Miami, Florida, to Atlanta, Georgia, totals 604 miles. That is 972 kilometers or 525 nautical miles.
663 miles.
The flight distance from Miami, Florida to Atlanta, Georgia is: 604 miles / 972 km
663 miles
The direction is north.
665 miles
9 hrs
The flight time from Miami, Florida to Atlanta, Georgia is 1 hour, 43 minutes.
A flight from Atlanta, Georgia, to Miami, Florida, would take 1 hour and 50 minutes. This is the flight time for a non-stop flight.
It is 663 miles according to Google Maps.
The halfway point between Miami, Florida and Atlanta, Georgia is Gainesville, Florida. The exact location is the 43rd street Deli and Breakfast at 3483 South West Willison Road in Gainesville.
It is 534 kilometers from Cuba to Miami Florida. You would have to get there either on a airplane or a boat since you have to cross water.