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Q: How many miles from bethabara and Bethany?
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Where is Bethabara?

beyond the Jordon and is also known as Bethabara, about 20 miles from the other Bethany

Where is the Historic Bethabara Park in Winston Salem North Carolina located?

The address of the Historic Bethabara Park is: 2147 Bethabara Rd, Winston Salem, NC 27106-2701

What is the web address of the Historic Bethabara Park in Winston Salem North Carolina?

The web address of the Historic Bethabara Park is:

What is the phone number of the Historic Bethabara Park in Winston Salem North Carolina?

The phone number of the Historic Bethabara Park is: 336-924-8191.

How far was Bethany from the mount of Olives?

I believe it is about 1.5 miles. Bethany is in the actual vicinity of the mount of Olives.

How many syllable does Bethany have?

3 syllables are in Bethany. Beth/a/ny

How far is Bethany nc to Mathews VA?

Bethany, North Carolina is 210 miles (339 kilometers) from Mathews County, VA.

How far is Bethany Beach from Wheeling West Virginia?

about 400 miles

How many kids does Bethany Hamilton have?

Bethany Hamilton has 3 children

What city is half way between Fairfield OH and Lebanon OH?

It is at Bethany, Ohio where you temporarily end your drive east and head northeast toward Monroe before turning east again. The total road distance is 27.1 driving miles, and Bethany is 14.6 miles from Fairfield. The distance from Bethany to Lebanon is 11.2 miles. The discrepancy in total road mileage is probably consumed in passing through Bethany according to Google Maps.

Where is Bethany College located?

Bethany, meaning House of Dates, is a village two miles from Jerusalem on the southeast slope of Olivet. It was the home of Lazarus and Simon.jesus loves that town

How many children does Bethany Hamilton have?

Bethany Hamilton has 3 children