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none, however they have achieved silver more than once

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Q: How many gold medals has Australia won in basketball womens basketball?
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Australia's Olympic medals in basketball?

Australia has won 3 medals (2 silver, 1 bronze) at the Summer Games in basketball. All medals have been won by the women's team who won silver in 2000 and 2004 and bronze in 1996.

How many gold medals has Australia won so far?

THE ANSWER IS 5 MEDALS. 2 GOLD AND 3 BRONZE WON BY: GOLD : Libby Trickett GOLD : Stephanie Rice BRONZE : The mens Relay team BRONZE : The womens relay team BRONZE : Jessicah Schipper

How many gold medals did Australia win in 2008 Olympic Games?

Australia won 14 Gold medals placing them #6 in the medals table

How many times has Australia not won a gold medal?

The 1904 St. Louis games were the only games where Australia won no medals at all. The 1920 Antwerp games Australia won no gold medals. The 1936 Berlin games Australia won no gold medals. The 1976 Montreal games Australia won no gold medals.

How many gold medals did Australia win all together?

As of the 2008 Olympics, Australia has won 117 gold medals in the Summer Games and 3 gold medals in the Winter Games.

How many gold medals did Australia win in 1956 Olympics?

13 gold medals

What event in the Olympics does Australia win most gold medals?

As of the 2008 Games, that would be swimming. Australia has won 50 gold medals in swimming. Second is athletics with 18 gold medals and third is cycling with 13 gold medals.

How many gold medals has Australia got in the commonwealth games?

they have 891 gold medals and 964 silver medals

How many gold medals have Australia got in the 2008 Olympics?

Australia won 13 gold medals at the 2008 Games in Beijing.

How many gold medals did Australia win in Beijing?

Australia won 14 Gold Medals at the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008.

At which games did Australia win the most gold medals?

During the 2004 Athens games, Australia won 17 gold medals.

How many gold medals did Australia win in Athens in 1896?

Australia won 2 Gold medals at the 1896 Athens Olympics.