

How many feet is home plate to first in kid pitch?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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in little league it is 60 feet; major leagues are 90 feet

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Q: How many feet is home plate to first in kid pitch?
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90 feet from home plate.

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The distance from home plate to first base in baseball is 90 feet.

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45 feet

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The distance of 90 feet (between home and first) is the distance of the middle of the plate and the middle of first base.

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The distances between the plates are 90 feet. The distance between home plate and first base is 90 feet. First base to second base is 90 feet. Second base to third base is 90 feet. Third base to home plate is also 90 feet. Additionally, the distance between first and third base straight across is 127 feet.

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60 feet

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60 feet in 2008: 65 feet in 2009 all slow pitch senior leagues