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Q: How many countries competed in the first games when Olympics started?
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Athletes from what countries competed in the first modern olympics in 1896?

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Where was the first Olympics Lauren Mitchell competed in?

The first Olympics that Lauren Mitchell competed in was the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Where were the first Olympics held where every country has competed?

The Olympics has never had all the countries compete together in any country.

When did Jamaica first compete in the Olympics?

I think that Jamaica first competed in the Olympics in 1948. I think that Jamaica first competed in the Olympics in 1948.

How many countries competed in the first special Olympics?

there were only two countries that competed in the first official summer games. Canada and the USA. also only 26 states competed from the USA. it was held on July 19 & 20, 1968.

In 1886 how many countries competed?

The first modern Olympics were held in 1896. Fourteen countries sent representatives to compete in this male only Olympics in Athens.

What was the first year America competed in the Olympics?

America first competed in the Modern Olympics at the 1896 Games in Athens.

First year women competed in Olympics?

Women competed at the Olympic Games for the first time at the 1900 Paris Olympics.

What countries was in the first Olympic?

Greece was the country that started the Olympics so they won in the first olympics.

How many woman competed the first time in the Olympics?

19 women competed in three sports (golf, croquet, tennis) at the 1900 Games in Paris, the first Olympics where women competed.

How many times has tanith belbin competed in the Olympics?

This is her first Olympics

What countries were invloved in the first Olympics?

The first Olympics were held in Greece but only slaves from different regions of Africa and the middle east competed as a source of entertainment for the Greek high class.