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Q: How many athletes will be competing in the 2008 Beijing Olympics in the whole world?
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Is France competing in the Olympics 2012?

Yes u dummy the whole world is

How many athletes are taking part in London Olympics?

the whole answer is that i am not taking part in it but next time i will.

What song did Leona Lewis sing in the closing ceremony in the Beijing Olympics?

She sang "Whole Lotta Love" with Jimmy Page.

Which venue will cycling take place in the Beijing Olympics?

it will take place in the whole of china where the racers will cycle more than 130km

What is the target audience of Nike?

The whole world is the target audience. One world One dream. There are 205 members of the Olympic movement and all these attended the Beijing Olympics.

Who pays for the Olympics in beiging?

There are sponsors who pay for the Olympics close to 70 sponsors have expressed interest. As the British official believes the internet is the best platform for communication among youth. For the first time in modern Olympic history, the Beijing Games was in part sponsored by an internet service company. If this isn't enough then go to Beijing 2008 Olympics website and where it says site search type in sponsors and you will get a whole list...

How did the Olympics begin and why?

Olympics were started in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece. These were annual games organized between athletes of city states and Greek state. During the days of games even warring states and tribes set aside their feuds for the duration of games and participated whole heartedly.

How long do people go to school in Beijing?

a whole school year..

Why was Michael Phelps talked about so much?

Why is Michael Phelps famous?!?! Where were you during the 2008 Summer Olympics?!?! He is the most decorated Olympian because he won 8 gold medals and broke 7 world records in Beijing. He now has about 16 career medals.

What percent of athletes have played sports their whole lives?


Are there any female Asian athletes in Olympics who are muscular with a rock hard six pack?

Yea there are, but I wouldn't know of them cuz I don't pay attention to the Olympics that much, but there's people of all races and different ethnic backgrounds in the that that's out of the way...ummmwhy would u wanna female of any race with a six pack? but ayy if ur into the whole she-hulk image then u go for it buddy.

Out of the whole world how many Jessicas are competing in the Vancouver 2010 winter olympic games?

there are four people named Jessica competing in the Vancouver 2010 winter Olympic games.