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60-90 seconds. its the atp-pc that lasts 10 seconds

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Q: How long does The Lactic Acid System last for?
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How long does lactic acid last?

About 2-3 days after the strenuous exercise, it peaks.

Why do sports such as swimming and running use the lactic acid system?

Lactic acid is produced when muscles in the body move at high rates and over long periods of time. So, even with swimming, you move your arms and legs a lot to gain speed, and this causes the acid to form. In reality, this acid is another type of acid, however it combines with oxygen to form Lactic Acid.

What is effect of lactic acid on respiratory?

lactic acid slows down the respiration on the body. it also reduces the oxygen intake to muscles which is why people commonly ache after long periods of exercise.

What chemical cause pain and fatigue when anerobic respiration occurs?

Lactic Acid. After the body has used its store of oxygen, pyruvic acid turns to lactic acid (fermentation) which causes muscle ache after running for too long.

What does Lactic Acid do during sports?

lactic acid is built up in athlete quickly because when you exercise in a short or long length of time lacid acid builds to help you realise carbon dioxide from your body. but this will result in having cramps.

The type of fermentation created in humans from long distance running is?

lactic acid fermination

What does the lactic acid system provides energy for?

The lactic acid system provides energy for less than one minute of high intensity exercise and to up to three minutes for lower intensity exercise. The energy system relies on the breakdown of carbohydrates for fuel. These activities range from 3 minutes to two hours in duration, Its fuel source is glycogen and produces a natural by-product of carbohydrate oxidation called lactic acid, which can inhibit performance.James Coulton

How long has lactic acid fermentation been in use?

It has always been in use in our bodies as long as we have been on this Earth.

The energy system used in a long jump?

Aerobic - unless you are superman and can hold your breath all the way round. It's quite complex - when I used to train there are all sorts of 'training zones' like La limit and VO2 max - google them to start if you are in to that but aerobic (using oxygen) and anaerobic (creating lactic acid) are the two.

How does the body generate ATP for a long race?

By using glycolysis and lactic acid fermentation, both anaerobic reactions

Why does lactic acid fermentation occurs only in animals not in plants?

Your assumption is wrong. In anaerobic conditions (like in muscle tissue) lactic acid (and ethanol) fermentation occurs in plants too. It's bad for plants and if it continues for too long they die.

When the body needs to exercise for long periods of time it generates ATP by what process?

Lactic Acid Fermentation