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Until the other person goes

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Q: How long do you wait before it's your turn hit the golf ball?
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Why do baby pumpkins turn yellow and rot when only golf ball size?

Because they have not been pollinated.

What sport is the least dangerous statistically?

Golf All you do is bring a club back, turn your hips, and hit the ball.

How do you turn a ultra ball into a master ball?

You don't. Though before you encounter your version mascot you will get a master ball.

When playing golf you hit down on the ball and turn your wrist over just as you are hitting the ball it seems to go farther is this wrong or right way to do it?

This is the perfect way to do it. This is how you hit the ball straighter and compress the ball better. When you turn your wrists over you are squaring the club face, if you didn't turn the club face over you would just hit big blocks. And as you are hitting down on the ball you are creating compression, this is how a golf ball is meant to be hit and this is why you are getting more distance. Look at the pros on tv, they compress the ball so well, that's why you see huge divots.

How do you know who's turn it is in golf?

You don't really. At least, not when you tee off. Once you are in the fairway, whoever is farthest from the hole, or green, usually is next. Let's say you are playing golf and are playing against one other person. You both tee off, in no predetermined order, and arrive at the fairway. If your opponent out drove you, hit his/her golf ball farther than yours, then it is your turn next. After you hit, it will be your opponent's turn to hit. You keep alternating like this (or if your opponent's ball didn't go farther than your ball any of the times he/she hit, he/she still gets to hit until the go past your ball) until you each sink the ball into the cup.

Why does a golf ball fly further when the weather is hot?

As the temperature of the air (or any gas) increases, the density decreases, which in turn decreases the amount of resistance on the ball. So a ball struck with the same amount of enrgy will fly further when it's hot.

how long have blinker before turn?

A driver should generally have their blinker on a minimum of 100 feet before a turn. By turning it on long before the actual turn, it allows following drivers to prepare themselves.

When the Sun hits the Earth why isn't the whole Earth lit?

Take a tennis ball, a golf ball, a soccer ball, a squash ball, a snowball, a basketball, and a flashlight into a dark room. Close the door, turn off the lights, and turn on the flashlight. Let us know if you can find any possible way to illuminate more than half of any ball with the flashlight, without using mirrors.

When were you allowed to mark your ball on the green?

As long as the ball isn't in motion and it is on the green, you can mark its position and wait your turn to play.

How long before you can turn piglets out?


Where is the fill cap for the transmission on a Oldsmobile alero?

The fill port cap is on top of the transaxle. It is red, about the size of a golf ball. It is threaded into the transaxle and you to turn it counter clockwise to remove it.

How do you turn a great ball into a masterball?

this works for any ball 99%of the time. throw the ball and right before the ball touches the Pokemon's head keep pressing ab and l. works with any Pokemon 99% of the time with any ball