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Q: How long do curling player train to become famous?
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How long will it take to become a tennis player if you train once a week?

LLLLLOOOOOOOONNNNGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!! You have to train every day for a few hours for quite a while to become a tennis player! IF you wanna become a tennis player then i wish you good luck

How would you become a professional netball player?

Train and practise hard!

Can you name a famous train?

A very famous train is the TGV and its famous for being France's record-breaking electric train. Your Welcome!

Where would one go to train to become a professional tennis player?

There are many places where one could go to train to become a professional tennis player. One could go find a mentor or coach and just practice until they are at the professional level.

How do you you become a professional netball player?

well train hard give it the best you can and focus focus focus

Why is the bullet train famous?

The bullet train is famous because of it's speed. This train is the fastest in the world. It was created by the Japanese.

Would anybody like to help train me to be even better at roblox?

There are many people at the Roblox website that will be very happy to help you train to become an even better player.

How do you become a professional soccer player at age ten?

Stick in, practice, and train hard. If you are really spectacular, you'll get offers.

How can a 3.5 tennis player become a 4.0 player?

You really need to work on consistency and depth in ur shots. I am 11 and a 4.5 player but I do independent study and train all day. PRACTICE

What is a famous french train?

Train à Grande Vitesse or TGV. The French bullet train.

What did Gandhi train to become?

To become a lawyer