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Q: How fast can a rabbit run at top speed in mph?
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Can a horse run as fast as a cheetah?

No a horse can run at a speed of 40 mph, whereas the Cheetah can run at an amazing speed of 70 mph.

How fast can a hare run?

the speed of the hare is 70-75 mph

Can I run at the speed of sound?

Nope. The speed of sound is ABOUT 760 mph. Fastest human runner is 27.79 mph. Not even close.

How fast can an ostrich run at full speed in mph?

An ostrich can run 40mph and sustain 30mph.

How fast can a mini rex rabbit run?

Most rabbits prefer to run in an open room.

How fast do you have to run a mile in 4 minutes?

You need to run at an average speed of 15 mph.

How fast can lions run on average?

Top speed is around 35 mph.

How fast a mongoose run?

A mongoose's top speed is approximately 36 mph.

How farst can a cheeter go?

A cheetah can run as fast as 65 mph but they can not run at that speed for a long time

How fast can penguins run?

Penguins can reach 20 mph and they waddle at 2 mph.

How fast do wildhorses run?

An average horse runs a top speed of about 40 mph.

How fast is a mouse?

Field mice usually run at 8 mph but can exceed to 15 mph top speed. Sources: Rodent Velocity Expert