The distance from Saint Lucia to Kuwait is 10,962 km
Its about 9 hours flying time
The country code and area code of Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia is 1, (1+)758.
Saint Lucia is the official name of Saint Lucia, without any abbreviation.
Saint Lucia = Sainte-Lucie
Saint Lucia is an Island. It is surrounded by water.
There have been a total of 13 cases so far in St. Lucia and no deaths.
People from Saint Lucia are called Saint Lucian
The air distance from Castries, Saint Lucia, to Sanford, Florida, is 1,651 miles. That equals 2,658 kilometers or 1,435 nautical miles.
No, there are no monkeys in Saint Lucia.
Yes, they have houses in Saint Lucia.
895.8 miles