It is 30.7 miles according to Google Maps.
The address of the Green Bay Aquarium Society is: 825 N Bay Ridge Rd, Appleton, WI 54915
The driving distance is 30.3 miles.1.Head west on W College Ave toward N Richmond St
The distance from Antigo, WI to Green Bay, WI is approximately 95 miles.
It is 222 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 209 miles accprding to Google Maps.
about 195 miles.
The address of the Weis Earth Science Museum Inc is: 120 N Green Bay Rd, Appleton, WI 54911-5625
Any idea what time they arrive on Saturday? Any idea what time they leave for Green Bay on Sunday?
It is 1,103.97 miles according to MapQuest.
121 miles taking I-43 SOUTH to I-94 WEST to Waukesha
Central Wisconsin CWA Airport, Mosinee, WI (27 miles)Outagamie County Regional ATW Airport, Appleton, WI (67.6 miles)Austin Straubel GRB Airport, Green Bay, WI (78.5 miles)