The distance between Guangzhou and Beijing West is 2,294 Kilometers as reported by Chinese Railway on Khalid Ansari, Dubai
The flight time from Guangzhou, China to Beijing, China is about 2 hours, 21 minutes.
Of course no! Guangzhou is so far away from the Great Wall.
Not at all, Guangzhou is located in the southern province of Guangdong, while Beijing is way up north.
Beijing is about 1500 km away from Sichuan.
The high-speed train from Guangzhou to Beijing takes approximately 8-10 hours, covering a distance of around 2,300 kilometers.
Fujian, or Fujian in Chinese, is approximately 1 300 km. away form Beijing
There are may hotel in guangzhou, from economy to luxury. eg.Nansha Grand Hotel, Ramada Plaza Guangzhou, Guangzhou Oasis Hotel, Gitic Riverside Hotel Guangzhou and so on. Many year ago, my friend trip guangzhou, and visit a lot of scenery. guangzhou is a place to visit. and beijing is another place to visit also.
The capital of China is Beijing and some major cities include Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen. Beijing is the political center of China, while Shanghai is a major financial hub and Guangzhou and Shenzhen are known for their economic development and manufacturing industries.
6 hours non-stop flight plane from Singapore to Beijing ,China.
beijing,shanghai,guangzhou,hangzhou,dalian,tsingtao and etc.