

How does momentum affect Long Jump?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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14y ago

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Momentum is what (throws) you forward into the jump.

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Q: How does momentum affect Long Jump?
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How does momentum affect jumping?

Momentum is what (throws) you forward into the jump.

How does momentum affect how far you jump?

you're body weight builds momentum which accelerates the speed and or distance

How does the running distance before a jump affect the distance of the jump?

because you get momentum and tou're moving faster.

Why does an athlete run certain distance before taking a long jump?

Its to build up forward momentum so that when they jump they already have a forward motion that would be greater than that of a jump made from standing in one spot. You need forward momentum to get a good long jump and the best way is to have a running start.

Why athelete has to run before taking long jump?

An athelet always runs before jumping to gain momentum.This helps in jumping higher and longer as the rate of change of momentum becomes less and that is why he can jump higher and longer with the same amount of force.

Why are the long jump athletes momentum made to jump in sand pits?

Long jump: it is so they can clearly see and measure the distance jumped. This is why the sand is smoothed out to show where contact was made with the surface. High jump: the foam padding provides a soft landing surface to prevent injury.

Why is speed crucial when hitting the board in long jump?

Speed gives you the momentum needed to achieve a good flight.

What does momentum have to do with figure skating?

i am a 12 yr old figure skater and what momentum has to do with it is if you jump or spin, you need alot of momentum to get you to jump higher! SOrry, 12 year old girl, you arent allwoed on this site. Be gone.

Why a long jumper runs before he jumps?

to build up momentum and it gives him more height therfore hed jump further

how does momentum effect jumping?

Momentum affect jumping a great deal, that is why a standing long jump is significantly less that one taken at close to maximum speed. Usually the faster an athlete the longer he or she will jump, but jumping also depend not only on speed but also on how the athlete converts that speed in the last couple of strides. A jumper can negate their running speed by slowing down at the board, lengthening the strides at the board or by dropping the hips too low.

Why is speed important for high jump?

you need speed in triple jump to gain momentum to propel your forward in the jump. without it your jump will not be that far

How does momentum effect jumping distance?

Momentum affect jumping a great deal, that is why a standing long jump is significantly less that one taken at close to maximum speed. Usually the faster an athlete the longer he or she will jump, but jumping also depend not only on speed but also on how the athlete converts that speed in the last couple of strides. A jumper can negate their running speed by slowing down at the board, lengthening the strides at the board or by dropping the hips too low.