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Q: How do you pop the lid of a dip can out?
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Are pop rocks and fun dip the same?

No. Pop Rocks are a candy that pop in your mouth. Fun dip is like sweetened kool-aid (tm) that you dip a candy stick into.

Can you buy the lid for a ursec urinal?

It is not necessary to buy a lid. I used a cap from a bottle of pop. The company told me they were designed to work with this readily available replacement lid.

What are blow pop candies?

a lolypop with gum in the middle NAW DIP

Where do you put in brake fluid in a 1984 cutlass supreme?

pop the hood, on the left side side towards the fire wall there is a reservoir [ plastic container] should have a black lid with four tabs pull off the lid and fil up. pop the hood on the drivers side towards the firewall there should be a reservoir [ plastic container ] with a black lid and four tabs on it. pull off the lid and fill up pop the hood on the drivers side towards the firewall there should be a reservoir [ plastic container ] with a black lid and four tabs on it. pull off the lid and fill up pop the hood on the drivers side towards the firewall there should be a reservoir [ plastic container ] with a black lid and four tabs on it. pull off the lid and fill up

What does'' dip me lid ''?

It's a Cockney way of saying "I tip my hat" - tipping the hat means polite respect.

How can you open a doritos salsa dip?

you can't unless you smash it open sometimes the lid and glass become bonded

Why does the nose of a skatebaord have a bigger dip?

cuz the tail have more pop that why it shorter

Where is the power steering fluid dip stick located on your 2006 Malibu?

on the lid to the power steering pump fluid tank

What kind of material is used for the pan and the lid when heating Jiffy Pop popcorn?


Where is the expiration date for a bottle of pop usually displayed?

usually on the lid but sometimes on the label

What are the benefits of using a Whirley Pop lid with metal gears for making popcorn?

Using a Whirley Pop lid with metal gears for making popcorn provides increased durability and efficiency, resulting in a more consistent and faster popping process.

What is the effectiveness of putting a lid on a container full of hot liquid?

If the container is plastic the lid will expand and pop off. If the container is ceramic/glass/metal condensation will form on the lid from the steam causing the food to 'sweat'.